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About Vrbo Coupons, Deals and Cash Back

Why stay in a hotel when you can find the perfect home-away-from-home vacation rental on  Vrbo? With Vrbo, you can search for deals on more than two million properties listed by owners in over 190 countries.
Whether it’s a reservation just for you or a trip with your significant other, family or friends, you have your choice of special savings on loft apartments, beachfront condominiums, lakeside houses, mountain cabins, waterfront houseboats and farmhouses way out in the country. You can stay in a comfortable space that feels as if it’s your very own, no matter the occasion. Book with Rakuten to find Vrbo coupons and earn Cash Back on your vacation rentals!

To start your search, enter your desired destination and travel dates on Vrbo.com, then click on the filters to narrow the search to suit your needs. Once your dates and rates are confirmed, enter any Vrbo coupon codes and choose from several secure payment options, including convenient HomeAway Payments. There’s even a HomeAway travel app to make on-the-go planning easy! Bookings made online through the Vrbo checkout and paid using a registered payment method are eligible for coverage by the Book with Confidence Guarantee, available at no additional cost. Simply look for the Book with Confidence Guarantee icon on the property’s booking page.

Many Vrbo rentals come with a fully equipped kitchen and private dining space, so you can save money eating in. For those traveling with little ones, some Vrbo properties include free amenities such as portable playpens, cribs and highchairs so you can travel lighter. And if you use Vrbo promo codes from Rakuten, you’ll get savings that can go towards visiting local attractions and buying souvenirs for yourself, family and friends.

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Cash Back Facts

Rakuten Members have been cashing in since 1999. Here's what members have earned so far from Vrbo:

  • $5 per order
  • Average Cash Back
  • $515,330 Total
  • Cash Back to date

Shopping Secrets

One Key™

By joining One Key, you are not only able to earn rewards for your bookings on vacation rentals, but you will gain access to the largest and most comprehensive travel rewards program we've ever created, where you can earn and redeem OneKeyCash across eligible bookings on Vrbo, Expedia, and Hotels.com.

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51 Reviews

Shaka Thompson

I love having the option to make money going through Rakuten


Vrbo is a higher-end accommodation booking company but still resonable. I usuall...

Jeanette Daigle

Our vrbo experience was wonderful, the real estate agent met us at the property...

Vrbo Coupons, Promo Codes & Cash Back

Cash Back Terms & Exclusions

Exclusions: Cash Back is not available on bookings below $20, listing renewals and refer-a-friend coupon codes that start with "RAF".

Posting Time: Cash Back will be added to your Rakuten account within a month after travel has been completed.

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